Women's Rugby
How do I get involved?
Drop us a message on our Instagram page @scunnywomensrufc or Facebook page – Scunthorpe Womens Rugby Union Team or send an email enquiry through the website. We can meet and greet you before the session and guide you in the right direction.
Age ranges
Open to all adults 18 + with no upper age limit , you are never too old to learn a new sport.
What do I need?
Trainers or football boots , trackies or leggings and a t shirt or jumper.
Where we play & train?
We play on a Sunday afternoon in a league structure. National Challenge 2 North East. Home games are at Heslam Park and we travel to away fixtures within our league. We train Thursdays 7pm-8:15pm.

Our aims & goals?
We want to in-still the RFU core values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship. We welcome all women from all aspects of life, whatever age, fitness or ability.
We want you to unlock your potential, we will be there to help you strive and build confidence. Together we’ll embrace new challenges, get fit, play the best team sport in the world and be part of the rugby famil.
We’ll be great ambassadors for the club by showing sportsmanship and finally but most importantly ENJOY ourselves, we play rugby for fun!